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Client Stories

In 2018, Mr Samsudin was critically injured in an accident and he was no longer able to work and provide for his family. He and his wife then sought help at Care Corner Active Ageing Centre for financial assistance and meals provision. Cheerful and enthusiastic, the couple were also always game to try new activities and initiatives at the centre.

“I am grateful for the help my family has received, so I must see what I can do to help others too.”

This was what guided Mr Samsudin to encourage other seniors to join the centre’s online and in-person activities. He believes that it is important to help seniors remain engaged in the communities and reduce the effects of social isolation.

~Mr Samsudin, Service User, Care Corner Active Ageing Centre

Client Stories

Mrs Grace Lau is a mother of three children with special learning needs. For her, finding an early intervention centre for her children to learn better was not easy. Many centres charged hefty fees that the family could not afford. Finances are tight in the household as her husband is the sole breadwinner of the family.

It was a huge relief when she eventually discovered Care Corner’s Learning and Special Needs Support. Her son Jordan, who has autism, has been attending Care Corner’s weekly KidsReady and KidsLearn classes which are tailored for children with learning disorders like ADHD, dyslexia, mild autism and other learning or processing issues for the last two years.

Jordon’s condition has since improved significantly. He is now able to concentrate better in class and interact with his peers better. His steady growth in confidence has also given his parents hope and eased their anxiety.

“As a parent, I really hope that he can develop independence and take care of himself. That’s what I want most for him.”

~Grace Lau, Service User, Care Corner Learning and Special Needs

Client Stories

Ever since he was born, Khidash has not seen much of his father. The latter was often in and out of prison due to drug abuse. His mother, Hidayah, was left to raise him on her own. When Khidash was diagnosed with autism, it was another huge blow to her. Was she equipped to help him? How was she going to cope?

With the strong support of her family and the team at Care Corner’s Circle of Care, Hidayah was able to engage Khidash and develop his strengths. Having done such an amazing job caring for Khidash, Hidayah was invited to share her journey and experience with other parents with special needs.

“I didn’t think I had what it took to take care of Khidash. But I am so grateful to the people who stood by me and believed in me. They gave me the strength and the skills to bring up my son in the best way possible.”

~Khidash and Hidayah, Service Users, Care Corner Early Childhood Development (Circle of Care)

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